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Product Update Virtual Assist App V1.12.0⚓︎

Virtual Assist App Update: New Pages, Enhanced Report Features, and Improved Functionality⚓︎

We’re excited to introduce a range of new features and improvements to the Virtual Assist App mobile app. This update includes the creation of new pages, enhancements to report submission and review, and various bug fixes. Here’s a detailed overview of what’s new and improved!

🆕 New Add New Page and Service Report Info Page⚓︎

We’ve introduced a new “Service Report Info” page. The goal is to better organize and display service report details, enhancing the overall user experience.

🎙️ Enhanced Voice and Report Features⚓︎

The update includes a new “Voice Input” page for Service Reports, allowing users to submit voice recordings directly from the app. Submitted audio files are now sent to the backend for analysis, with results mapped and integrated into your reports. Additionally, the “Edit and Review Your Report” page sections have been developed to streamline the editing and reviewing process, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

📝 Improved Report Submission and Review Processes⚓︎

A new “Submit Report” screen and a submission successful modal have been added to provide a clear and seamless submission experience. The addition of a signature component allows users to sign reports electronically, and this signature is now included in the report creation request for verification and authenticity.

🔧 Functionality and Performance Enhancements⚓︎

We’ve made several key improvements to enhance functionality and performance. Articles search and filters now operate similarly to document searches, making it easier to find relevant information. Dates now work correctly with the calendar without causing crashes, and we’ve updated navigation behavior, added feedback to errors, and refreshed language strings for a more intuitive user experience.