Logbook on Web⚓︎
The machine logbook is also available for mobile. For more general information on the logbook feature, visit our feature page.
How to get started with the machine logbook⚓︎
You can start by simply navigating to the “logbook” icon in your side menu.
Alternatively, you can access a specific machine’s logbook entries or directly create a logbook entries by clicking on either button on the Machine Inventory page, after you have selected your machine. You will find more information about using the Machine Inventory in its feature page.
Viewing logbook entries⚓︎
Simply click on one of the logbook entries to see it. It will open on a side panel, similarly to how articles work.
You can also use the filters to search for specific text or the date of the logbook entry to narrow things down.
Adding a logbook entry⚓︎
Simply click on the “Create” button on the top right of your screen. If you haven’t already, select the serial number of the machine in front of you. If there are multiple machines with that serial numbers, you can choose which product line you are referring to.
Can't find the serial number of the machine standing in front of you? Make sure the machine has been created on your Virtual Assist Web!
Afterwards, just select a category, title and description for your logbook entry!
Attaching images⚓︎
You can attach any image or video file from our supported list of file types. Your colleagues will be able to see these images, both on their browsers and their apps!
Deleting and editing logbook entries⚓︎
Coming soon!